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East Aspen Metro District Mosquito Control Environmental Assessment
CWS served as the primary consultant in preparation of the Biological Assessment & Biological Evaluation/MIS Report components of an Environmental Assessment for a USFS White River National Forest Special Use Permit to allow annual mosquito abatement east of Aspen, CO. The purpose of the project is to reduce the potential of disease transmission to humans and reduce nuisance from mosquitoes to residents and visitors to the area east of Aspen, CO. CWS partnered with SE Group on all aspects of the preparation and ultimate approval of the EA.
Rio Grande Trail
Wildlife & Ecological Resources Management & Monitoring Plan
Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA) hired CWS to produce a Wildlife & Ecological Resources Management Plan.The focus of this effort was to identify the locations of rare, imperiled, and/or culturally important plants and animals, and significant plant communities, delineate areas of important wildlife activities, & systematically prioritize locations for management action. CWS developed a monitoring plan to implement the recommendations of the plan. Monitoring & consultation is intended to help ensure the success of RFTA’s goals to improve riparian and upland habitat within the trail corridor and minimizing ecological effects of the trail.
Buckhorn Valley Habitat Restoration & Education Center
CWS is leading a major habitat restoration and protection effort in cooperation with Colorado Division of Parks & Wildlife, Eagle County Open Space, Buckhorn Valley Metro District, Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Trout Unlimited, and the Town of Gypsum. The purpose of the project is to take what was supposed to be a golf course development that crashed in the financial collapse and convert the land into a conservation area with educational amenities and conservation compatible recreation opportunities. Significant components of this effort will be the protection of important mule deer winter range & transition habitat; creation of approximately 5 acres of wetlands & riparian habitat; CPW Fishing is Fun warm water fishing opportunity with ADA accessible docks; and an education center with interpretive displays and volunteer naturalists.
Pitkin County Open Space Ecological Services
Lead wildlife biologist on a multi-disciplinary team comprised of biologists, plant ecologists, wetland ecologists, and fluvial geomorphologists selected by Pitkin County Open Space & Trails to conduct wildlife, vegetation, and wetlands baseline surveys & continuing monitoring, conservation easement baselines, and fluvial geomorphological studies in support of adaptive management of 17,699 acres of scenic open space, wildlife habitat, and agricultural landscapes.
West Vail Pass Safety Improvements Environmental Assessment
CWS is collaborating with Amec Foster Wheeler & David Evans & Assoc. to prepare the Environmental Assessment for this effort to project is to improve safety on West Vail Pass. To supplement existing data, CWS & the Project Team are developing the appropriate scope for technical studies to address potential impacts and mitigation. Some of the issues being addressed in this process are project alternatives, impacts to natural resources including Threatened, Endangered & USFS R2 Sensitive Species; wetlands & aquatic resources, visual impacts; noise; communication; safety; air quality; geology; cultural resources; socioeconomics; transportation; and cumulative impacts.
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